Touched by the Spirit
Touched by the Spirit
This week I feel like I have learned a little bit about what it truly means to bear one anothers burdens. This week we started teaching a woman named Fernanda. She is passing through a really hard time because she is currently living with the father of her two sons. Who is unfortunately an alcoholic. He can´t even work because he is so addicted to drinking. He is literally drinking his life away. As we have gotten to know her and have talken to her, I can honestly say that we have been bearing her burdens. I feel SO MUCH sadness for her, but I also feel so much HOPE for her. Unfortunately she can not work because she has a little baby of 1 month old and has to wait until he is 4 months old to stop breast feeding him. But she said that everytime she prays and thinks about the new years something fills her with happiness and hope. I don´t know exactly how to help her overcome these problems, but I am confident that Heavenly Father does and I hope to be able to continue to bear her burdens and help make them lighter.
Liberal/Fringe Elements
Three Nephite Yearly Calendars - Spring to spring I assume that Nephite years begin and end in the season of spring, therefore their chronology is counted from one spring season to the nex...1 day ago
AI Seems to agree with me that Joseph Smith is the Davidic Servant based on 2nd Samuel 7 - I want to share another back and forth I had with AI about Joseph Smith fitting the prophetic narrative in the Davidic Servant prophecy in 2nd Samuel 7 It ...3 days ago
from the American people - I don't think I need to refer to any current headlines right now. Devastated doesn't even begin to describe how I feel nowadays. I don't talk about work v...3 weeks ago
Two Disciples Just Shootin' The Breeze - *Previously:* *Here's Why I Love Amber Rose* I finally had the opp...4 weeks ago
Women in the Church - Below is my latest Sacrament talk: My topic today is women in the Church. I’m not going to duplicate any of the marvelous General Conferences addresses t...1 month ago
State of the Me: 2024-2025 edition!! - The year 2024 is wrapping up -- which means that it's time for my yearly self-assessment!! (Buckle in, this is a long one...) I need to start with my job...2 months ago
Thoughts on End of Life Care - Back in 2014, I wrote a post titled, Facing Your Parents Mortality. At the time, I didn’t know my dad had just 4 more years to live and mom had 8 years lef...3 months ago
Fresco Learning: Sketch #7 - I'd love to do more, but this will have to do... "One Night at the Cherry Tree" Fresco Learning Sketch #71 year ago
Alexander Burnes Travels To Bukhara - He was nicknamed Bokhara Burnes for his role in establishing contact with his name. And documented his journeys across Afghanistan and other turbulent la...3 years ago
Poem - Defenders of the Status Quo - Defenders of the Status Quo All around me I see Lives of quiet sacrifice to "the way things are" Offered up by devotees, whose allegiance came Merely from ...5 years ago
Feminist Trivia Team Names - Yesterday I went to a really fun women's history trivia night at our local library in honor the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment getting through Con...5 years ago
Gay and Faithful: Broken Roadmap - Being gay and faithful is simple from the outside. I don't have sex, try to be as awesome as I can be, and God will make me into an incredible human. Bu...5 years ago
Instinct, Practice, Grace, Works - As an atheist, I’ve thought a lot about trying to analogize religious concepts into an accessible secular schema. I think my Sunstone presentation on Grace...5 years ago
Heat Resistant Love Needed - I have a confession to make. I am not angry at the Church. I know that makes me a bad or brainwashed queer in the minds of many. Over the years I’ve had t...5 years ago
Hope You're Okay With That (Part II) - Nearly nine years ago I wrote the following post. About a year ago I received a Facebook message from the father that I refer to in the post. He said, “We...5 years ago
A little frustration and guilt. - Last week was general conference and like 6 months ago I told me husband I wanted time out to watch it at home. Again it felt like I was even more solicite...5 years ago
Remember Remember - Remember remember the 5th of November. Two years ago today was a rough day for me, my kids and hundreds of our friends. The message from our church was t...7 years ago
In the gift of his son, God has prepared a more excellent way - 9 Wherefore, ye may also have hope, and be partakers of the gift, if ye will but have faith. 10 Behold it was by faith that they of old were called after t...7 years ago
New Perspective from a Gay Mormon - I am grateful I visit this blog in a very different stage in my life. I have grown in thought and belief. If I still prescribed to the same exact thoug...8 years ago
A Note to my Pal, Bryce Kramer - Dear Bryce, Word on the street has it that you are now the muckiest muck at the school. The bossiest of the bosses. The big man. The connection. Congratul...8 years ago
Still better than I imagined and I am feeling more - So...we have known each other for over a year now and been married for over half a year. Things are going awesome! We have had some struggles with our kids...8 years ago
mormonandgay - So we're about to hit the one year anniversary of the exclusion policy, you know, where the LDS Church mandated "courts of love" for any one who married hi...8 years ago
Virtue or Stupidity: Why Daniel Reminds me of the "M-Word" - *OT SS Lesson #45* If there still exists anyone in the greater world of Mormon blogs who thinks I am writing these Old Testament posts as a resource for Su...8 years ago
Cara Root Zenfone 4 ke Lollipop Yang Aman Mudah - *Cara Root Zenfone 4 ke Lollipop Yang Aman Mudah* - Zenfone 4 merupakan perangkat asus yang ramai dipunyai dengan beberapa pemakai Android tanah air, oleh ...8 years ago
reflective reflection - broken soaked in blood tears salt dripping off my face my hands dirt dust rust my broken heart soul mind searching for life pain reality i want eye want...8 years ago
Episode 25: How we Know Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt that the Church Isn’t True - Join John is one of his final episodes as host as he discusses why the church isn’t true.8 years ago
Goodbye 2015, Goodbye Blog - It's not like I've been blogging much here, but I was thinking yesterday that I never shared anything about my amazing year. So here's a recap: New amazin...9 years ago
Breakfast in the Castro: For oh I don't know how long - Me: Happy New Year, Mibes! Mibes: Happy New Year to you! So glad to see you again. Especially on this auspicious occasion. Me: Good to see you, too. But I’...9 years ago
Doraemon The Movie - Judulnya si gagah, Doraemon the Movie, cuma sayang isinya cuma curhatan aku saja tentang film Doraemon, film kartun yang menjadi favoritku ketika kecil den...9 years ago
Pioneer Day: Always fervent praise for the woman Alice. - Alice Smith Done, born 1842 Because three of my past Pioneer Day blog posts have won me amazing genealogical freebies from the Internet gods (including an...9 years ago
Glassell Park LDS Chapel Severely Damaged By Brush Fire In The Los Angeles Area - Screenshot from KTLA video Two congregations of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are temporarily without a sanctuary as the Glassell Park ...9 years ago
"God will provide himself a lamb" (An Easter Sermon) - *(First, a note on hermeneutics. I make no attempt here to claim authorial intent; in fact, far from authorial intent, I think that any Christianization of...9 years ago
Update of sorts... - Recently, a member of the MOHO community reached out to me. I've been thinking a lot about this request to update my feelings of where I was versus wher...10 years ago
Thanksgiving in January - I can't believe it's 2015. And that I haven't posted since October of last year. It's not like I've had nothing going on in my little pea brain. I actu...10 years ago
A Response to My Own Essay, Or, Are We Allowed to Do That, Who Cares Let’s Run with It Anyway - Very recently, I had an essay, “Fallen Bodies, Eternal Genders” published in Sunstone, which I was ecstatic and over the moon for. Then my wife said the ma...10 years ago
Perpetuating Conflict - Often, interpersonal conflict is over differences of small and varying degrees. What positions do you hold on to and refuse to let go of that perpetuate co...10 years ago
Getting Engaged in Life - I keep hearing that I am not engaged or not engaged enough. I hear that at work and at home and I know it is true. But I have reached my limit of engagemen...10 years ago
Your Haircolor is a Sin! - Imagine being told everyday that someone of your hair color is likely going to be despised by society. From the time your haircolor is first noticeable, ...10 years ago
Far Between represents my hope - There's a film on the horizon that I think has the potential to advance the conversation around SSA/LGBT Mormons by leaps and bounds. If you'd like to know...10 years ago
I can't wait!! - A close friend of mine's husband just posted this on her facebook page. I can't wait to have something similar written to me: To my best friend and love o...10 years ago
my new, non-anonymous blog - I'm writing about more important stuff now. If you're interested, please come on over to: Lies We Choose to Believe10 years ago
Goals - (From a talk I gave January 12, 2014 in Miami Beach YSA) For many years, I’ve played this game with friends who speak in sacrament. Basically, you give th...10 years ago
Lullabies and Temples - I have a great affection for Mormons. I love most of the people I’ve met there. I love the things I have learned. I love the person I have become because o...11 years ago
Happy Eros Day. - I wanted to wish everyone of my readers and passersby a Happy Eros Day.11 years ago
The Beginning of Something Different - I've been thinking over the past little while what I would like to say regarding the beginning of a new year. I could go into great detail about my marria...11 years ago
27 things (365 days, holidays, a new year, etc) - Oh by the way, I had the pleasure of writing up a little bit for the 27 Good Things blog, here's my contribution (three things to read, three things to wa...11 years ago
Spiritual Decisions - I have a confession to make. I still read The 100 Hour Board. Weird, I know, but I am fascinated by the current views and opinions of BYU students. I think...11 years ago
empty arms - I am in mourning. I have two beautiful, wonderful, smart, energetic, stubborn, argumentative, emotional, creative, perfect children, and that is all I wil...11 years ago
Choices - The Sunstone Symposium is happening this weekend. I attended the free lecture with my girlfriend, mostly because I wanted to see the short film, "Families...11 years ago
Teachings of Jesus or Mormon Catechism? - This week’s Religion and Ethics program on PBS featured an analysis of Pope Francis’s stirring speeches in Brazil. Rev. Thomas Reese, SJ was asked if the P...11 years ago
Learning to Love Again - Well, I feel like this is something of a streak, here... two posts in six months :) This post is gonna be a three part novel. Part 1: Just a follow-up on t...11 years ago
Give them a path... - I'm going to try to write something that I hope will add to the discussion of why "Gay Marriage" is the right path. I'm not here to tackle legal issues. ...11 years ago
This is the Land of Confusion - I rarely take much time to ponder and reflect on life. I thought I'd take a moment and do so now. The big difference between the last time I posted and no...12 years ago
And On the Fifth Year MoHoInTx Ends - I hate it when bloggers stop blogging. Why do they have to stop? Sure, it's a good idea to take a break from writing, but to stop completely? I just don'...12 years ago
Blessing the Sacrament in a Purple Tie - I need not summarize the saga of the Pantspocalypse; if you’re reading this, you probably know it already. What is relevant is that after last week I decid...12 years ago
Life Changing - When I found out that we would need to do service hours I was nervous. I wasn’t sure when I would find the time. I also tend to get antsy when I’m put ...12 years ago
Torture & Mormonism - [On the 18th of October] we learn that Bruce Jessen who was critical in designing US torture techniques was appointed a bishop per this news release. Yes i...12 years ago
A Call in the Middle of the Night - I was dead asleep last night, and I received a call from a friend in one of my support groups. He had slipped up, and was calling for support. I could feel...12 years ago
Good News & Bad News - Good News I was able to make my extremely difficult decision. Bad News [GMB] and I are no more. He wanted to work us around his dream school and dream c...14 years ago
More Personal Blogs
Weekend Fun - Lots of new snow and lots of skiing + other fun activities back at home! What a fun time of year.1 day ago
Be Good And Win - Lottie has been excited about Spring soccer since September when we signed her up. Christian and I drove over to the field to meet her team for her first p...1 week ago
The U-Haul Game - Some of you might be wondering, “The U-Haul Game, what’s that?” It’s a game we made up when our kids were young to keep them entertained on road trip...1 week ago
Maybe we should just pretend this set begins and ends with Wednesday Addams - . I look over this collection of recently read and . . . I mean the beloved cartoonists and the Novel Prize–winner come close, but I think maybe the bes...1 week ago
The Villainy You Teach Me Will Go Hard - Many of you know my friend Lisa. I love everything about her. One of the things I admire most about her is the way she continues to be a joyful person e...2 weeks ago
Anya turns 17 - Anya turned 17 while Ruth and Rachel were away from home helping Grandma get better, so Anya missed having Rachel, her best friend, for 2 weeks, and sp...5 weeks ago
Good and Wise Parents - My Mom. Oh how I love her! I'm proud to say I get my looks from her, my sense of fun and mischief from her, as well as a strong sense of autonomy and ...5 weeks ago
2025 Doctrine & Covenants Doctrinal Mastery Posters, Flashcards, and more - Doctrine and Covenants doctrinal mastery scripture posters, flashcards, and more to help students learn the doctrine for the 2025 year of study.2 months ago
Exfoliate Like a Pro: Testing 3 Loofahs for Silky Smooth Skin!" - Exfoliate Like a Pro: Testing 3 Loofahs for Silky Smooth Skin!" 2-in-1 Travel Neck Pillow, Advanced Neck Support for Long Flights, Travel Essentials wi...4 months ago
Ruminating - You ever have a really bad week? A week where you feel like you flopped sequentially? I’ve been thinking—apropos nothing of course—that such weeks become s...6 months ago
My Thoughts on the Legal Aspects of Adoption (and Ideas for Reforms) - Going through the paperwork yesterday for the relinquishment of my first daughter made me realize a few things that I hadn't noticed before (or didn't ha...7 months ago
Karins Kottage Happenings Lately - Karins Kottage Happenings Hello my friend! Happy Tuesday I hope your are doing great. Life here at the Kottage is full of summer fun these days. We have...8 months ago
Finding Hope in a Hopeless World - Every six months, those of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have the opportunity to watch a world-wide broadcast of messages from chur...11 months ago
JohnPontius.Info - Dearest friends, You may know there has been much misinformation and rumor published about Visions of Glory, my late husband John Pontius and friend “Spenc...1 year ago
La Salvation - I. This story starts way back before I had many other stories. Just about the time I was handed a journal with my name embossed in gold on the right bo...3 years ago
A Bit Confused - I don't want to post ANYTHING POLITICAL, but I am somewhat confused how the U.S. has lifted the ban on foreign travel??? Yet the border between the U.S. ...4 years ago
Pretty colored hair what you need to know - Large hair changes (like going bleach blonde or perpetual fixing) mean big-time forms. Rehashed utilizations of dye, colors, and straighteners […]4 years ago
ciphers in the snirt - 84662: transhumance and transcendence, Canal Canyon 84058: little boxes all the same 84627: salamander 84635, 84624: Topaz concentration camp,...5 years ago
Emma and Kevin Get Hitched - February 22, 2020: Emma and Kevin are now Mr. and Mrs. Hunt! I've been blessed with a plethora of beautiful and accomplished nieces. Eighteen of them. M...5 years ago
This Is My Country - The United States Colonial Flag I remember sitting in a German History class listening to the professor tell about an experience he had when he was saili...5 years ago
I Shall Go To Him - I’ve seen grief up close and personal. Like most people, I’ve experienced it, too. It’s heavy, and although there are times a person feels “fine,” somethin...5 years ago
Reading Roundup: January 2020 - The Guardians by John Grisham It's been years since I last read a novel by Grisham, but I read a number of positive reviews of this new title and thought i...5 years ago
New York, Here we Come! - We're going to New York again tomorrow to start the clinical trial. We super happy to have that opportunity. We have a lot to do today. I need oxygen, bu...5 years ago
2019 Challies Reading Challenge - Every year Tim Challies puts out a reading challenge. He lists 104 categories of books for people to work their way through. The categories include: *a boo...5 years ago
The Best Christmas Carol, a Christmas Story - Those of you who still visit this old blog may remember that it has been my habit over the years to share one of my Christmas stories, written for our f...5 years ago
Ten on Thursday - *This was meant to be posted on Tuesday, but I wanted to save space in memory of my friend Charles at It is worth noting that he would want m...5 years ago
Last day in Washington - 9986 steps/3.8 miles One of the YSA girls from family home evening told us that someone at church was a staffer for Senator Romney and she offered to talk ...5 years ago
Lately - Hi there! It's been awhile. I've been enjoying an extended break from most things internet but I thought I'd pop in for an update. *Reading* I'm deep int...5 years ago
13 Ways to Keep Your Kitchen Clean - Cleaning a messy kitchen is such a chore. But, keeping the clean and mess as well as clutter free regularly is more than a chore. It takes time, effort, pa...5 years ago
So Many Changes - Adam calls me Robohips. And he's married now. That's weird. We're moving again. This is a very good thing. We need to be away from my father-in-law. The th...5 years ago
Putting it back together - We're finally past the tearing apart stage and now we're putting things back together. Boys' first time painting with a roller. Before tile. We got to ...5 years ago
5am Club day 2 - This is the book I have been t...5 years ago
Hello again - here's what I've been up to - March 18, 2019 Well, I obviously took a long break from any thing “miraculous” happening in my mornings. I have felt super tired and harried. It actually...6 years ago
February Happiness - It is February, which means we have five birthdays in the course of 20 days. This year, we have some big and important birthdays! #4 is turning 12. #2 is...6 years ago
New Year, New Stuff - Since it is 2019 now, and blogging has been long dead, I have no fear of what I post. Nobody reads these anymore. There are no memes and I will almost alw...6 years ago
Projecting my body esteem fears affects my relationships - I had an experience, an eye-opening one. It had been a week into the new year on a Sunday afternoon. I gathered my family around to have a meeting and,...6 years ago
Martin – 7 months - On his 7 month birthday we discovered three new teeth in Martin’s little gummy smile! Evelyn was playing with him on the ground when she saw them. When we ...6 years ago
The guides - trip planners - teachers - Here's the thing...if you travel in Israel, you must have an Israeli travel guide...unless you are going with a group which includes painters...then it ca...6 years ago
Full Throttle: Local off-road pro racer Sarah Burgess loves her life and racing her 525-horsepower rig - This article originally appeared in the September 14, 2018 edition of the Tooele Transcript Bulletin By Clint Thomsen The 525-horsepower custom truck is he...6 years ago
Scrabbled - To my utter joy, Michael has recently learned to enjoy playing Scrabble with me. Unfortunately, the nearly-70-year-old Scrabble game I inherited from my gr...6 years ago
If it’s the middle of July, it must be middle-aged angst - I was going to take my laptop somewhere tonight, but first I wanted to check if I had enough battery to leave my power cord at home. So I opened it up, but...6 years ago
The 90th Annual Academy Awards Play-By-Play - It’s time, y’all! Here is the 90th Annual Academy Awards Play-by-Play! 5:00—The show opens with an old style black and white news reel. It’s very 40s and...7 years ago
Choose Your Love, Love Your Choice - "Choose your love, love your choice." ~Thomas S. Monson7 years ago
Unsolicited Advice - Lately it seems that I must have a flashing neon sign strapped to my chest because people just feel the need to come up and give me advice... without me as...7 years ago
New York Style Cheesecake - Serves 12 Crust: 8 whole graham crackers, broken into 1-inch pieces 7 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled 3 tablespoons sugar Filling: 2 1/2...7 years ago
Beauty School Drop Out - In the space of 10 months last year I moved back to my hometown, bought my first home and turned 40. Having spent most of my adult life as a bit of a gyp...7 years ago
God's Inconvenient Call - I wrote a guest post at The Exponent a few weeks ago about my new volunteer opportunity as a chaplain at the local jail. I hadn't gotten around to posting ...7 years ago
The End of an Era - Ten years ago my family embarked on the adventure of a lifetime. We left everything and everyone we knew to … Continue reading →7 years ago
PCC celebrates 27th annual Moanikeala Hula Festival - The Kamaluwehiokapalai halau hula from Japan Story and photos by Mike Foley [First published in the Polynesian Cultural Center blog, February 2017] As it h...7 years ago
How to Play Minecraft - A Mom's Beginner's Guide - Warning! Minecraft is Addictive! - *A Mom's Beginner's Guide to How to Play Minecraft and not die.* My three kids started playing Minecraft years ago. I made sure there was no blood, no gor...8 years ago
The Importance of a Nightly Routine - A few months ago I was having a terrible time sleeping. It took me a very long time to fall asleep and when I finally did, I didn't always feel rested w...8 years ago
New England Made | Sea Bags - *When your dog matches your sea bag | Red Buffalo Check Zip-Top Tote c/o Sea bags | Trapper Tote c/o Sea bags* New England is home to many amazing, local...8 years ago
Gifts that Keep Christ in Christmas - [2016] I don’t usually do posts like these *ever*, but I thought, why not share some of my favorite businesses with you to help keep the spirit of Christ! ...8 years ago
*Sigh* - I really want to get back into the swing of things, but my head’s not on write. I have post after post in my mind, but all I want to write about is somethi...8 years ago
Book Review- Stuck in the Game by Christopher Keene - *Disclaimer, I was given an ARC (advanced reader copy) of this book by the publisher in return for my review Stuck in the Game by Christopher Keene I a...8 years ago
Christensen Family Reunion - I have seriously been neglecting my blog since I moved to Utah and I have been postponing doing this particular post because of the ridiculous number of pi...8 years ago
JIMISON Connection to Southern Renegade - Seldom does one see their family history on the big screen, but *The Free State of Jones *opens this month, exposing an intricate saga from the Knight fami...8 years ago
Learning Adobe Illustrator - I’ve wanted to learn this program for years. I’ve tried all kinds of tutorials but just couldn’t get comfortable with it until I signed up for some Atly cl...8 years ago
Oh HAI blog - So it's been more than a year since I posted on my own blog. That's...that's...a long time? Blogging isn't dead, it's just that I blog for other people now...8 years ago
That Whirlwind of Love - I feel like the Whirlwind of Love swept into our lives about a month ago and we've been caught up in a tornado that hasn't quite released us yet! Life ha...9 years ago
The Fear Epidemic - The recent political situation has made me think a lot about judging. There is so much unhealthy judgment going on--judging candidates, judging issues, and...9 years ago
An Eagle Scout! - Okay, so I've been hearing for years how much work it is to put on an Eagle Court of Honor. I'll admit that part of me thought, "yeah, yeah." I thought ...9 years ago
Movin' and Groovin' - I have a feeling that this year is going to be a year of flashbacks and nostalgia. Now with having both my parents gone, I like to think of all the times ...9 years ago
free from wily assaults - "As pertaining to good deeds therefore, do the best thou canst, and desire God to give strength to do better daily; but in Christ put thy trust, and in the...9 years ago
Where I've Been - I can't believe I keep forgetting to fill you in on my latest news! A few months ago a friend asked me to join her team and become a blog contributor on h...9 years ago
Disneyland 2015 - We did Disneyland over Thanksgiving week this year. It was a BLAST! Four days of feet weary-ing fun! I am absolutely sure that, no matter how much I love h...9 years ago
chest pain - Chest Pain What does your chest pain *feel *like? What do you mean you can’t describe it? Is it stabbing? Aching? Burning? Squeezing? Like an elephant sitt...9 years ago
Eternal Perspectives on Motherhood - I've always loved the beautiful line from the hymn by Eliza R. Snow entitled, "Oh my Father", that speaks of eternal parenthood and forever families- * "T...9 years ago
Easy recycled sweater pumpkins! - - Happy fall everyone!! I love fall so much but not when it's still 80 degrees outside! I'm hoping to see a little dip in the temps in the next we...9 years ago
Faith - I can't sleep tonight. My mind is racing. The husband has been undergoing some pretty major stuff in the past 9 months. And tonight I can't get my mind off...9 years ago
More on First Day - McKayla is starting her 2nd year at UVU. She is not technically a sophomore because she earned a lot of college credits while still in high school. On the ...9 years ago
It's An Attempt At Least - It would be impossible to count how many times in the last few months I've said to myself, "I need to sit down and write." Not to write an update, but to ...9 years ago
Tuba City, AZ to HOME - Today we head home and today is Aaron's 9the birthday. We went to Denny's to celebrate. Denny's being the only breakfast place in town. Due to the lack of ...9 years ago
July 5, 2009 - I don't know if I've ever mentioned it before but I kept a private blog that I updated every single day of my pregnancy. It was half first-person, half asi...9 years ago
Friday - On Monday I cried at the car dealership. My car wouldn't pass inspection unless they cut a little piece of my window tint out around my break light. Guys ...9 years ago
Moving Along-March 22 - This week was a lot harder than I anticipated! While Tuesday mainly consisted of moving things from our old apartment into our new one, and on Friday we cl...9 years ago
2015 Ford Bronco Review - Over the past few years Ford has been creating their SUV’s all AWD Crossovers and so if you would like one thing capable cross-country that's Ford you ha...10 years ago
Writing in My Cocoon - I have over 1400 posts on this blog. Most of them occurred when I was a stay at home mom with three little kids. That stage feels like a long time ago. Al...10 years ago
things I miss about England - *Things I miss about England:* free museums of amazing caliber Waitrose churches Christopher Wren everywhere you turn parks walking the hills and dales malte...10 years ago
Groupon, groupoff: On becoming a travel discount master (mistress?) - We leave for London in a week! *A week!* Don't know whether to get really excited or to throw up about leaving my babies. It maybe kind of helps that littl...10 years ago
My comments on the new polygamy ruling - Here's a Q & A I did today with the International Business Times: *In your opinion, how will the latest ruling effect the way the general public views the ...10 years ago
An experiment. - Continuing my thoughts about change. Is it possible for someone to really change? Not just for a short amount of time. Not for just a week or a month. But ...10 years ago
The Reformation: A Restoration Prelude - Backstory: June 27 is an historical day for LDS folk. It is the day we remember the martyrdom of Joseph Smith, Jr., and his brother, Hyrum. Joseph was...10 years ago
Yielding Hearts unto God - I suspect few people in the United States with any kind of connection to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have not been exposed to the rece...10 years ago
March Instagram Dump - I have a new nephew! Jeffrey Taylor Young :) Just had one of those moments then you think "are all these kids really mine?". An afternoon visitor. #hello...10 years ago
Trying To Blog Again - It has been almost a year since I have blogged. I joined Facebook, and just got carried away with it, but I'm feeling a tug to get back to blogging and pu...10 years ago
How Do You Explain the Beauty? - It was something like this (but this is not my photo) As I drove out of my neighborhood recently, climbing the hill I've driven countless times before, ...10 years ago
Awkward - Hello old blog. I haven’t written here for almost a year because I didn’t know how to say this: Tom and I have taken a break from the Mormon Church. That o...11 years ago
New Host Domain - I'm having a ball over at my new website: Come check out my blog over there!11 years ago
New Blog. - So after 8 1/2 years, I made a new home on the internet . . . The Jenkins Zoo Family and friends, you may want to update your bookmarks and/or links. Over ...11 years ago
The Day My Mom Swore At Work - I've been toying with the idea of getting back into some part time work. Nothing that will take me away from home for too long, but something of value tha...11 years ago
27 things (365 days, holidays, a new year, etc) - Oh by the way, I had the pleasure of writing up a little bit for the 27 Good Things blog, here's my contribution (three things to read, three things to wa...11 years ago
We come runnin'! - We've definitely kept busy this year with study, races, travel, and even a few surprises that we're pretty excited about. Click here to see our year in re...11 years ago
Memories - Ja Neanne passed away last June with her children at home. Alex had been there a week and I remember him calling me bawling when the decision was made to p...11 years ago
Come listen to living prophets Oct 5 & 6 - "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7). What if Moses, Noah, Abraham, or Peter were ...11 years ago
Hopefully, My Final Word on this Subject - Today, Lucas took a swim test at the YMCA. If he passed, he would earn a Green Band. The green band enables them to swim wherever they want (in whatever de...11 years ago
In Which I Write about Nostalgia Again, Likely Rather Poorly - A whim possessed me today. There's no other explanation for riding an extra Trax stop in hotter-than-the-fires-of-Mordor heat so that I could walk *farthe...11 years ago
our wedding day. - Our wedding day. Where do I even begin to describe how perfect that days was? I woke up about 6:30 am, I had taken a sleeping pill the night before, so I ...11 years ago
Our Baby Turns 9! - I can't believe our baby turned 9 in December! He's such a sweetheart!11 years ago
April Recap - It's been a VERY eventful month. Hmmm, let's see.... - We went on a spring vacation to South Carolina, where we met the husband's parents and uncle...11 years ago
General Conference - An Epiphany - This last Sunday was the LDS General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I love this weekend that I get to relax and watch and ...11 years ago
A little bit crazy... - So, it has been a couple days since I did something totally randon and crazy, but I wanted to share. Last Saturday there was an "open cast" call for Extrem...11 years ago
A Birthday Post - *It was a great birthday for me. Too bad about Ben's birthday in November. Oh well, whatcha gonna do? I've had a lame birthday or two in my day. It's j...11 years ago
Paton Manning - “Honey,” Jason called from work last week, “You will never guess who is going to be here, tonight, at the BX on a USO tour…Austin Collie!” This name might ...12 years ago
We Moved..... - We finally ran out of room here and can't add any pictures. So if you want to keep up on what's happening in Cooleyville (I actually post every day, I kno...12 years ago
Thanksgiving in Park City - This year we did our tradition of making a gingerbread temple while in Park City. [image: 280] The kids decided to make the Salt Lake Temple. We went t...12 years ago
Christmas Cupcakes - [image: christmas cupcakes] Try this very different idea for Christmas gifts. How do Christmas cupcakes decorated like a Christmas ball decoration sound...12 years ago
Lil' BabyMoon - Me and Sammy boy took a little baby moon down the coast of California. We were planning on spending Thanksgiving in Santa Barbara with the Nelson's, so w...12 years ago
Avec moi, le deluge - I collect toy version of Noah and his ark. No, really, stay with me here. This has been going on for a few years now. Largely, I'm tickled by the fact that...12 years ago
Just write something… - Today I decided I need to start writing on my blog again. I just couldn’t decide what to write. So I’ll do some eeny-meeny-miney-moe and get back at ya. F...12 years ago
101 Questions to Ask Before Marriage - My Dear Reader, So, this post is a little unusual. Let me tell you why. I was just going about my business, pursuing Facebook, when I noticed a Muslim dat...12 years ago
Writer Meets Quilt: the Quilt is Winning - This really shouldn’t be hard, should it? I mean, I’m an intelligent woman. And I’ve sewn off and on through my life: my daughter’s dresses, a few shirts...13 years ago
Slightly Ribbed Baby Hat - I made this hat the other day and made up the pattern as I went along. I thought I'd share it! I made this for a newborn but you could change the needle si...14 years ago
And the madness has begun - Dalaney and I completed our March Madness brackets last night. Shout out to the insightful advice from my basketball-lovin' dad! Because of all these unfo...15 years ago
NICU D3 8/24 - james top miles bottom, cheek to cheek miles eating miles getting burped miles milk drunk miles trying to excape, poor silly little drunk baby they can only...17 years ago